First Week Miracles! :)
Hola Todos,
This week was crazy! I can't believe how much happened! This week started off by going around with Hna Wilks and saying goodbye to bunch of goodbyes to investigators and members. And on Tuesday we had a lesson that absolutely freaked me out, because I couldn't understand anything that the investigator was saying!!! I actually felt like I was drowning and then when ever Hna Wilks would talk it was like she was pulling me up for a breath of air and then when she was done talking I would be drowning again! I was like, "AH!!!!! I'm so not going to be able to train!!!!!" But I think that was just Heavenly Father saying "This is what it would be like if you didn't have me." Because I have never been able to understand so much Spanish or SPEAK so much Spanish in my whole life since I started training!!
Wednesday I picked up mi hija a.k.a Hermana Dahl. And she is wonderful! She has a super strong desire to work hard and see miracles and baptize! With her Faith and Hard Work I know that this transfer is going to be awesome!
One of the biggest miracles that happened this week was on Thursday. We it was 7:15 at night and one of our investigators was, "Like can you guys come back in a hour." So we went back to the car without any ideas for what to do. We prayed to know how to use this time and then we realized that we had a Referral that lived close to where we were. Her name is Rosa and we had an awesome lesson with her! Her husband had died two years ago and she was left all alone in Mexico with two young kids. She's struggled a lot with everything that has happened to her since then. So we read with her from 2 Nephi 2:1-2 and talked to her about how God gives us trials to help us be stronger and to bring us closer to Him. Then we talked about baptism and Hna Dahl took it away and invited her to be baptized and she said YES!!!!!
It was definitely one of the most spiritual lessons I've ever had! It also taught me how the important the Book of Mormon is in helping people answer the questions that they have in life and it helps us come so much closer to God.
This weekend we also got to go to a Quincenera of one of the members in our branch and that was a lot of fun! It was really interesting to see how much I've grown because we were still teaching and trying to find people to teach even in a setting like that! If you had asked me to do that even just a month ago I don't think I could have!
So this week was awesome and I am so grateful that I get to be one of the Lord's representatives here in the Heartland of America!!! Kansas is the BEST!!!!
Con Mucho Amor,
Hermana Kammeyer
Pics: So I finally filled up my first memory card on my Camera at the Quince... but I also forgot to bring that memory card so these are the only pictures I have of this week, Oops :)
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